Friday, March 29, 2013

Team Spudnik Competition Day 2 - Update 2

Our second match is over, and I figured that it'd be a good idea to post an update about it. Not too much happened between the matches, so this'll be a short post. We're blue again, so here we go...

The team line up for this match...gotta say, I like that shark decal.

Final robot inspection...almost ready to start!

-Match 2-

This match did not go as well as the first one. We decided to play some defense this time (we didn't last time due to a loose bumper), and it apparently didn't stop the other team from scoring a bunch. Our robot is fairly light, so it can be pushed around, but it's low to the ground, so it can tip over other bots. Unfortunately, we didn't get climbing points this round. Our robot has a weight on it to make it tip up while it hangs, but it came off, so we didn't get off the ground. The final score ended up being...

...Not so good for us. In fact, only 5 of our points were from getting points. The rest were from fouls of various sorts. So, non-ideal. Still, we think we can perform better later, like we did round one (we're gonna make sure to check that counterweight after every match). We're ranked 19th, last update, so still pretty nice. Maybe we'll move up if we get the shooter working...will we? If we do, you'll be the first to know!

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