Friday, March 29, 2013

Team Spudnik Competition Day 2 - Update 1

Hello! It's about two hours into the second day of competition, and we've already had our first match. We've been working to finish up our shooter, but it may or may not actually get put on, so we're gonna end up doing defense and then getting 10 points by climbing. So anyway, without further ado, pictures!

Part of the crowd at the opening, there's a whole bunch of people here.

Minnesota senator Al Franken gave a speech at the ceremony...surprisingly funny, for a politician.

Getting some work done on the shooter before our first match. It isn't attached yet, but it may or may not be by the end of the day.

The pits of day two...busy, busy, busy!

Our robot lining up with the others before the match. The suspense is building. (We're blue)

This is the view from our side of the arena. The judges are just checking one of the bots, and the match will start soon.

Here are the drivers, lining up for the match. It'll start soon!

-Match 1-

Basically, we didn't do much in the match, we just climbed up the first rung and hung there (This is a short video of us doing that. The full match will be up later, in HD). Both of our alliance members shot frisbees and got us a bunch of points. But how did it turn out?

We're winners! Now, we did get a 30 point bonus due to a penalty, which contributed to our high score. However, if you notice, even without that our alliance still had enough points to win, so we're winners regardless! Hooray! We're ranked number 7 out of 63 as of this match, although that is due to the fact that a lot of people have the same number of points right now.

So anyhoo, that's the first bit of day 2, minus a match video. That'll come later, along with more blogging of the later happenstances of the day. Look forward to it!

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